

Business Analyst by day.Wanderluster by night


October 2015

What is the sexiest job and why?

Data scientist is the sexiest Job title of the 21st century

said the Google’s chief economist Hal Varian.In the era of Big Data, data scientists know the cutting edge solving problems in ways no one has thought of before.

From the websites we visit, to how long we stay on each webpage, to what groceries we are buying, and how many text messages we send.

The 20th century gave us alluring job titles like astronaut, stockbroker, and professional gamer. But NASA is underfunded, financial crises have spooked investors, and gamers live with their parents.

There’s a new sheriff in town when it comes titillating titles. Harvard Business Review calls data scientist “the sexiest job of the 21stCentury.” HBR explained just how rare it is to find applicants with the skills for data science:

“If ‘sexy’ means having rare qualities that are much in demand, data scientists are already there. They are difficult and expensive to hire and given the very competitive market for their services, difficult to retain. There simply aren’t a lot of people with their combination of scientific background and computational and analytical skills.”

The most important tips you should know about Blogging for business

By A blog Guru

What is a blog

  • Is not a journal.
  • A publishing channel that lives on your website.

Why want blog for business?

  • Build your credibility for people looking into your business
  • increase your visibiity online by promoting your content.

activity =visibility= opportunity

  • Get found on Google for all the topics you talk about and your suctomers are searching for.
  • Fuel word of mouth of your andience to share your posts and drive more people back to your website.
    • online and offline
    • content valable for sharing
  • build audience
  • promote business in a non-salesy way by educating/entertaining people and giving them valuable resources.
  • building relationship with your audience for long term customer loyalty
  • give your sales team more touch point opportunities for prospects
  • increase website traffic conversion then sales.

What did Todd did?

  • Two blogs per day. Result: traffic went from 410 to 2364
  • content library=search traffic

Make blogging easy

  • Make list of All the questions people asked, write articles to answer them (thinking about replying an email.)
  • make a list of problems your customers have that you solve
  • make a list of every added benefit that your that is not immediately obvious
  • make a list of use cases of your product/service

Promoting your content

  • Find where your audience is congregating onlnine and join in those communities in a helpful way.
  • Build Equity in your name
  • publish new content
  • monitor conversations
  • places for searching for keywords Google hootsuite

Be a Powerful Google Searcher

Problem solving and time saving

60% is content marketing. make a content in PDF version. long tail keyword.

T shape marketer: have broad skills but have concentration on certain areas.


4 Reasons Why data is more important than ever for digital marketers

1. Identify common behaviour

Knowing how consumers behave online is one of the key ways to understand how to build campaigns that will gain traction.

This can be at a macro level (such as identifying which sites are most popular with certain demographics) but also in relation to less strategic concerns (for example, how long will the average consumer spend watching a video).

This will not only allow you to target the right channels, but will allow you to work with creative and technical teams to develop campaigns that get results.

2. Improve relevancy

Following on from this, it’s now possible to use data to ensure campaigns are relevant to the audiences you are looking to target. Data can help you identify topics and themes that are popular – what the audience wants to hear – and use this to inform your strategy and your campaign.

3. Be flexible

Data can help you to be more flexible in the way you communicate online and can help your digital campaigns become more agile.

Once a campaign is up and running, you can collect real-time data to see how it is progressing and use this to make changes and tweaks as it continues. This is a luxury that just wasn’t possible in the days of print or TV advertising.

4. Not all audiences are created equal

Now more than ever we are seeing increasing diversity across all online channels. Broad-brush assumptions and sweeping statements no longer hold sway.

Brands and agencies that realise this will be able to create highly personalised campaigns that make audiences feel valued like never before and get results.

5. Be social

Social media has transformed the way we plan campaigns. Social networks are increasingly opening up to let marketers have more and more insights into how users behave, their preferences, likes and dislikes.

Ultimately, the social media space is where the consumer is most likely to be open to hearing from brands that they will identify with.

But brands need to use this opportunity in a respectful way. A new two-way marketing approach, which focuses on engagement, is the only way forward.

By considerately using the data at your disposal, you can develop a real understanding of the culture of your audience and be part of it rather than trying to lead the conversation or push or force marketing messages at them.

Being social these days really means being shareable: delivering content that the audience wants to hear and wants to share with their network. This enhances your reach dramatically and also delivers to the contemporary behaviour traits of your audience who share a plethora of content from a wealth of sources daily.

Your brand needs to be part of that and now, it can.

How to become a data scientist?

Never, ever thought of becoming a scientist. A scientist must be a person who is wearing glasses, living in labtory, and never go out. However, I found data science is more and more interesting, especially whenwordpress4it comes to application in business.

Data scientist jobs are the sexiest job, said one of the google officer.

Affordable ways to learn If you don’t reveal some insights soon, I am going to slice, dice and drill! Data scientist jobs are the most sexy job, said one of the google officer.

R: the Data Analysis Tool You Need to Know

  • R -studio.  Good Thing about R-studio is that you don’t have to learn coding, in order t use R-studio for analyzing data set.  W1
  • R. Very useful tool for statistical business analysis. R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics


Top 7 Mistakes You Want To Avoid When Promoting Yourself On Web


Top 7 Mistakes You Want To Avoid When Promoting Yourself On Web

Think about the Web pages show up when people searches your name. Let’s be serious, imagine it is your potential employer who want to find out more about yourself. Is the result page showing your “having fun” moment?

You don’t want your potential employer to think you are an always drunk guy, who slurred like this :

“H-h-h-heeeeey! Wheeeere d’ya think yeeeeer goin’?”

Overall, you want to gain a positive personal impression to the public, especially your future employers. So many people have the same name, however, when people are searching the name you have, you couldn’t be more happier that first result is YOU.

Here are some mistakes you might have made when you are promoting yourself on Internet.


  • No picture at all.

Think LinkedIn as your online resume. It is not saying that all employers want to hire good-looking person (although it might be true when it comes to fashion). The picture actually gives employers an opportunity to know you better as a whole person. In addition, employers will be appreciate that you have added picture, because it cost the managers less time to know you and it makes the hiring process more efficient.

  • Using pictures of pets or babies.

Come on, I know you love your dogs. I know it is your important role of being a Mommy or daddy. It is the time to talk about job and money (which could be used to buy stuff for your pets and babies), let’s be professional for a moment.

  • No summary.

LinkedIn is a professional online human resource market. Think yourself as a product; in this case your potential employers would be the buyers that are seeking best-fit product (it sounds like brutal, but this is the reality). Of course, every product should have some introduction to enable buyer to know you quickly. You want to point out your strengths and employers want to know how you evaluate yourself.


  • Too many words

On rainy days, you tend to have more thoughts about life. But think this as if you were the readers of the post. “oh, that is so many words, do you really get time to write this much? ” “en… let me take a look at the pictures”. Use right amount of words plus attracting pictures may let people think you as a smart, positive and more importantly fun guy.

  • Don’t use pictures

Human brain processes pictures faster, especially when it comes to an interesting picture. People tend to have longer attention span on interesting pictures. It is easier to remember the information on pictures as well.

Informative pictures can really tell a lot of information you might be struggling to write and readers are painful to read.

  • Too personal

Enjoying a crazy night is part of your life. But you have the ability to choose showing or not showing this part of you to the public. Employers are also interested in gossiping you! Show yourself as the image you want employers to see you.

  • Directly promote yourself or your business

Have you heard of Advertising Blindness? Our eyes are tired of too much ads on social media. People want a “pure” experience on social platform. Keeping posting ads will cause losing followers.


Moving Bubbles are amazing! It is also called Motion Chart. it is a dynamic bubble chart which allows efficient and interactive exploration and visualization of longitudinal multivariate data.

How to create the motion chart?

It can be easily created by google Doc, Next time if you want to see the moving bubble, drag the data into the Google Doc!

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